How Many White Claw To Get Drunk: Understanding The Factors Involved

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Ah, White Claw – the low-calorie, fizzy, and refreshing alcoholic beverage that took the world by storm. If you’ve ever found yourself wondering how many White Claw to get drunk?, you’re not alone. As someone who has indulged in a fair share of these tasty drinks, I know all too well the allure of White Claw’s easy-drinking nature. But, as with any alcoholic beverage, there is a limit to how much one can consume before feeling the effects. In this article, I’ll take you on a journey to discover the answer to the age-old question of how many White Claw to get drunk, and explore the factors that can influence this number. 

Do White Claw Get You Drunk?

Yes, White Claw can get you drunk. As with any alcoholic beverage, the amount of White Claw it takes to get drunk varies based on several factors. It’s essential to drink responsibly and understand your limits to avoid overconsumption and the potential risks associated with it.

How Many White Claws Does it Take to Get Drunk?

Determining how many White Claw to get drunk can be challenging, as it varies based on several factors. However, a general estimate is that it can take 4-5 White Claws to reach a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08%, which is the legal limit for driving in most states. 

It’s crucial to note that getting drunk ultimately depends on your body mass, lifestyle, and gender. Additionally, consuming more alcohol in an hour can lead to quicker intoxication. 

how many white claws get you drunk

Factors that Affect How Many White Claw to Get Drunk

Several factors can affect how many White Claws it takes to get drunk, including:

Body weight and size

Generally, people with a lower body weight and smaller size will get drunk more quickly than those with a higher body weight and larger size.


Women generally have a lower tolerance for alcohol than men due to differences in body composition.


As we age, our body’s ability to metabolize alcohol decreases, making us more susceptible to intoxication.


Regular alcohol consumption can increase a person’s tolerance, meaning they may need to drink more to feel the effects.

Drinking speed

Consuming alcohol quickly can lead to quicker intoxication.

Food consumption

Eating food while drinking can slow down alcohol absorption and reduce the effects of intoxication.


Drinking plenty of water while consuming alcohol can help reduce the effects of dehydration and reduce the risk of overconsumption.

Understanding these factors can help individuals drink responsibly and understand their limits when consuming White Claw or any other alcoholic beverage.

how many white claws does it take to get drunk

How Many White Claw to Get Drunk for Beginner Drinkers? 

For beginner drinkers, be aware that just two to three cans of White Claw can be enough to get you intoxicated

Despite its sweet taste, White Claw is still an alcoholic beverage and one of the hard seltzers that can lead to drunkenness. So, it’s essential not to get too excited and consume it responsibly, especially if you’re new to drinking or have a lower tolerance for alcohol.

How Many White Claw to Get Drunk- Based on Weight

The amount of White Claw it takes to get drunk can vary based on a person’s weight. Here’s a general estimate of how many White Claw  to get drunk for individuals weighing between 100-180 pounds


100 lbs: 2-3 White Claws

120 lbs: 2-4 White Claws

140 lbs: 3-5 White Claws

160 lbs: 4-6 White Claws

180 lbs: 4-7 White Claws


  • 100 lbs: 3-4 White Claws
  • 120 lbs: 3-5 White Claws
  • 140 lbs: 4-6 White Claws
  • 160 lbs: 5-7 White Claws
  • 180 lbs: 6-8 White Claws
how many white claws to get tipsy

How Many Sips of White Claw to Get Drunk?

It’s impossible to determine how many sips of White Claw it takes to get drunk, as it varies based on several factors such as body weight, gender, age, tolerance, drinking speed, food consumption, and hydration.

However, a general estimate is that it can take several sips of White Claw to get drunk, depending on individual factors. It’s essential to remember that even small amounts of alcohol can impair judgment and reaction time

What is White Claw Alcohol Content?

White Claw’s alcohol content is 5% alcohol by volume (ABV). This is the same as most beers and is considered a standard amount of alcohol for alcoholic beverages. 

It’s important to be aware of the alcohol content when consuming White Claw or any other alcoholic beverage and to drink responsibly.

Comparing White Claw’s Alcohol Vs. Others

When it comes to comparing the alcohol content of White Claw to other common alcoholic drinks, here’s a breakdown:


The alcohol content of shots can vary, but on average, a standard shot of 80 proof (40% ABV) liquor contains about 1.5 ounces of alcohol, which is equivalent to drinking roughly 1 cans of White Claw.


The alcohol content of beer can vary, but on average, a 12-ounce can of beer with 5% ABV contains the same amount of alcohol as a 12-ounce can of White Claw.

Bottles of Wine

The alcohol content of wine can vary, but on average, a standard 750 ml bottle of wine with 12% ABV contains roughly the same amount of alcohol as drinking 5 cans of White Claw.

How Drunk Does White Claw Get You?

The level of drunkenness that White Claw can produce varies from person to person, based on a range of factors, such as body weight, tolerance, drinking speed, and food consumption. However, here are some general levels of drunkenness that one might experience after consuming White Claw:

  • Mild Intoxication: After one or two White Claws, a person might start to feel relaxed and more sociable. They may also experience some mild euphoria and a decrease in inhibitions.
  • Moderate Intoxication: After consuming four to five White Claws, a person might start to feel more significant effects of alcohol, such as impaired judgment, coordination, and memory. They may also experience some dizziness, nausea, and slurred speech.
  • Severe Intoxication: Consuming six or more White Claws can lead to severe intoxication, which can include symptoms such as loss of consciousness, vomiting, blackouts, and difficulty breathing. In some cases, severe intoxication can be life-threatening.
how many hard seltzers to get drunk

How Many White Claws Can You Drink Before Driving? 

As a general rule, it’s safest not to drink any alcoholic beverages before driving. However, if you do choose to drink, it’s recommended that you limit yourself to no more than one or two White Claws before driving

Always remember that even small amounts of alcohol can impair your judgment and reaction time, and driving under the influence is illegal and dangerous.

How to Tell if You’re Too Drunk to Drive?

It can be challenging to know if you’re too drunk to drive, especially if you’ve consumed alcohol over an extended period. Here are some signs that you may be too drunk to drive:

  • Slurred speech and difficulty speaking
  • Poor coordination and balance
  • Blurred or double vision
  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Aggressive or unusual behavior
  • Memory loss or blackouts
  • Inability to stand or walk without assistance

If you experience any of these symptoms after drinking, it’s crucial to avoid driving and find an alternative way home, such as a designated driver, public transportation, or ride-sharing services

Does White Claw Get You Drunk Faster Than Other Alcohol? 

Many people are not aware that White Claw can get you intoxicated faster than other alcoholic beverages. Compared to distilled spirits and light beers, White Claws can get you drunk faster, making it essential to drink responsibly and understand your limits. 

While individual factors such as body weight, tolerance, and drinking speed can affect how quickly one gets drunk, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential risks associated with overconsumption of White Claw or any other alcoholic beverage.

Why Drinking White Claw Can Make You Get Drunk Quicker?

There are several reasons why drinking White Claw can make you get drunk quicker than other alcoholic beverages. Here are some possible reasons:

  1. Alcohol content: White Claw has a 5% alcohol by volume (ABV), which is the same as most beers. However, because it’s a flavored malt beverage and easier to consume than beer, it can lead to quicker intoxication.
  2. Carbonation: The carbonation in White Claw can increase alcohol absorption in the bloodstream, leading to faster intoxication.
  3. Sweet taste: The sweet taste of White Claw can mask the alcohol taste, leading to overconsumption and quicker intoxication.
  4. Easy to drink: The convenience and portability of White Claw cans can make it easier to consume more and faster, leading to quicker intoxication.
  5. Hydration: Many people tend to drink White Claw as a substitute for water, which can lead to dehydration, making the effects of alcohol more pronounced.
how many white claw surges to get drunk

The Risks of Drinking Too Much White Claw

Drinking too much White Claw or any other alcoholic beverage can lead to a range of potential risks, such as:

  1. Alcohol poisoning: Overconsumption of White Claw can lead to alcohol poisoning, a severe and potentially life-threatening condition that can result in unconsciousness, seizures, or even death.
  2. Impaired judgment and coordination: Drinking too much White Claw can impair judgment and coordination, leading to accidents, falls, and other injuries.
  3. Dehydration: Alcohol is a diuretic, which can lead to dehydration, making you feel worse and potentially causing other health issues.
  4. Hangovers: Overconsumption of White Claw can lead to a hangover, causing headaches, nausea, and other unpleasant symptoms the next day.
  5. Addiction: Regular overconsumption of White Claw or any other alcoholic beverage can lead to alcohol addiction, causing long-term health, social, and emotional problems.

It’s essential to remember to drink responsibly, understand your limits, and pace yourself when consuming White Claw or any other alcoholic beverage. If you’re struggling with alcohol addiction, it’s important to seek professional help and support.


How long does it take for a White Claw to kick in?

The effects of White Claw can vary based on individual factors, but generally, it takes around 20-30 minutes for the effects of alcohol to start kicking in.

Why is White Claw so addictive?

White Claw and other hard seltzers are popular due to their convenience, refreshing taste, and lower calorie count compared to other alcoholic beverages.

Is White Claw actually healthy?

While White Claw is lower in calories and carbohydrates than many other alcoholic beverages, it’s not considered healthy due to the alcohol content and potential risks associated with overconsumption.

Who drinks White Claw?

White Claw is popular among a broad demographic, including both men and women of various ages.

How many White Claws to get a girl drunk?

The amount of White Claws it takes to get a girl drunk varies based on several factors such as body weight, tolerance, drinking speed, and food consumption. However, a general estimate is that it can take 4-5 White Claws to get an average person with a moderate tolerance for alcohol drunk.

How much White Claw is equivalent to vodka?

The alcohol content of White Claw is the same as most beers, with a 5% alcohol by volume (ABV). One 12 oz can of White Claw contains the same amount of alcohol as a standard 1.5 oz shot of vodka.

Does White Claw have more alcohol than Bud Light?

No, both White Claw and Bud Light have the same alcohol content of 5% ABV.

Do White Claws taste strong?

White Claw has a relatively mild taste, and its flavor is less strong than many other alcoholic beverages. The fruity and refreshing taste of White Claw can make it easier to consume more quickly and lead to overconsumption.

Is it okay to drink one White Claw a day?

While drinking one White Claw a day may not cause immediate harm, it’s important to drink responsibly and understand your limits to avoid overconsumption and potential long-term health risks associated with regular alcohol consumption.

Why does White Claw make me feel weird?

Individual factors such as body weight, tolerance, and other health conditions can affect how alcohol affects the body. Some people may feel “weird” or experience unusual sensations after drinking White Claw due to their individual reaction to alcohol.

Is White Claw safer than beer?

Both White Claw and beer contain the same amount of alcohol per volume, and the safety of drinking either beverage depends on individual factors such as drinking responsibly and understanding your limits.

Can 2 White Claws make you tipsy?

The amount of White Claws it takes to make you tipsy varies based on individual factors such as body weight, tolerance, drinking speed, and food consumption. However, consuming 2 White Claws can lead to mild intoxication for some people. It’s essential to drink responsibly and understand your limits to avoid overconsumption and potential risks associated with drinking.

How Many Hard Seltzers to a .08 | White Claw 5%


As shown above, figuring out how many White Claw to get drunk is not a simple matter. It depends on a variety of factors, including your body weight, gender, age, tolerance, and drinking speed. While it can be tempting to keep drinking, it’s crucial to recognize your limits and avoid putting yourself and others in danger. Remember, drinking too much can have serious short-term and long-term effects on your health. So, the next time you’re thinking about cracking open a cold one, take a moment to consider your choices and make a responsible decision. Cheers to safe and enjoyable drinking!