How Much Is Enough To Get Drunk? Unlocking The Secrets Of Soju

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How much soju to get drunk? Ah, the perennial question that has crossed the minds of many a soju enthusiast. As someone who has ventured down the soju-laden path and emerged with tales to tell, I can assure you that the answer is not as straightforward as one might think. So, grab a glass and join me as we delve into the intriguing world of how much soju to get drunk. But first, let me give you a little hint: It typically takes five to seven standard drinks of soju to reach that blissful state of inebriation. So, buckle up, my friend, and let’s embark on this spirited journey together.

What is Soju?

Soju is a traditional Korean distilled alcoholic beverage. It is typically clear and colorless with a mild flavor and a relatively high alcohol content. 

Made primarily from rice, wheat, or barley, soju has been enjoyed for centuries and holds a significant cultural and social role in Korean society. It is often consumed during meals or social gatherings and has gained popularity worldwide in recent years.

Can I Get Drunk from Soju?

Yes, it is possible to get drunk from drinking soju. Soju contains alcohol, and the level of intoxication will depend on various factors such as the amount of soju consumed, your body weight, metabolism, tolerance, and drinking speed. 

It’s necessary to drink responsibly and be aware of your personal limits to avoid excessive alcohol consumption and its associated risks.

How Much Soju Does it Take to Get Drunk?

How many soju to get drunk? Generally, it takes around five to seven standard drinks of soju to feel intoxicated. Each glass of soju, typically 50ml, counts as one standard drink. Factors like body weight and tolerance may vary, so it’s crucial to drink responsibly and be aware of your personal limits.

How many shots of soju to get drunk?

How much soju to get drunk which is in shot type? On average, it may take between five to seven shots of soju to reach a state of drunkenness. But, it is essential to remember that the number of shots required to get drunk can vary widely depending on individual factors such as body weight, tolerance, and other variables.

How many bottles of soju to get drunk?

Consuming approximately half a bottle of soju, which is equivalent to about four to five shots, can contribute to feeling intoxicated. If you consume a whole bottle of soju, which typically contains six to seven shots, it can result in reaching a level of legal intoxication. 

how many soju to get drunk

Factors That Affect How Much Soju to Get Drunk?

Several factors can influence how much soju to get tipsy. Understanding these factors is important for responsible consumption. Here are some key factors:

  1. Body weight and composition: A person’s weight and body composition play a role in alcohol metabolism. Generally, individuals with higher body weight may require more soju to feel intoxicated compared to those with lower body weight.
  2. Metabolism: Metabolism varies among individuals and can affect how quickly the body processes alcohol. Those with faster metabolisms may require more soju to achieve the same level of intoxication.
  3. Tolerance and experience: Regular alcohol consumption can build tolerance over time, requiring individuals to consume more soju to feel the same effects. Conversely, those with little to no tolerance may become intoxicated more quickly.
  4. Drinking speed and quantity: Consuming soju rapidly or in larger quantities can lead to faster and stronger intoxication. Drinking slowly and in moderation can help manage the level of intoxication.
  5. Gender: Biological differences between genders can impact alcohol metabolism. Generally, females tend to have lower alcohol tolerance due to factors such as body size and enzyme activity.
  6. Genetic factors: Enzyme variants in certain individuals can affect alcohol metabolism, influencing how much soju is needed to feel drunk.

Remember how much soju to get drunk is different from each person to each person, and responsible drinking involves understanding your own limits and drinking in moderation.

How Long Does it Take For Soju To Kick In? 

Now you know how much soju to get drunk, it’s also necessary to find out how long does soju jo kick in. Typically, it takes approximately 30 minutes for the effects of soju to become noticeable after consumption. In traditional practice, fresh soju is often consumed straight or served neat, allowing the alcohol to be quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. 

However, individual factors such as metabolism and tolerance can influence the onset time. It’s important to be aware of the potential delay in the effects and to drink responsibly, giving yourself enough time to gauge the impact before consuming additional soju.

How Fast Does Soju Get You Drunk?

The rate at which soju can make you drunk depends on several factors, including the speed at which you consume it. Drinking soju rapidly can lead to faster intoxication compared to a slower-paced consumption. When consumed quickly, the alcohol in soju enters your bloodstream at a faster rate, potentially leading to a quicker onset of drunkenness.

Is Soju Strong?

Soju is known for its potency and is considered to have a strong alcoholic kick. The strength of soju can vary depending on the brand and the specific product. 

Consume soju responsibly and be aware of its potential effects, as even though it may not have the highest alcohol content compared to other spirits, it can still lead to intoxication if consumed in large quantities or at a rapid pace.

how much soju does it take to get drunk

Is Soju High Alcoholic?How Much Alcohol Does Soju Contain? 

Soju is considered to have a moderate alcohol content. A typical bottle of soju usually contains an alcohol by volume (ABV) ranging from 21% to 24%

While this ABV may be lower compared to many hard liquors, it surpasses the alcohol content found in an average beer (4%-7% ABV) and wine (13% ABV). 

How Much Soju is a Lot?

Consuming more than seven shots of soju or exceeding one full bottle of soju within a short period can be considered a relatively high quantity. It is important to remember that excessive consumption can lead to increased intoxication, impaired judgment, and potential health risks.

How Many Shots of Soju are Safe To Drink?

Drinking soju, or any alcoholic beverage, in moderation is key to ensuring safety. For most adults, moderate alcohol consumption is typically defined as up to one standard drink per day for women and up to two standard drinks per day for men. One standard drink of soju is usually considered to be one shot (approximately 1.5 ounces). 

Recognizing Signs of Intoxication

Recognizing signs of intoxication is crucial for maintaining safety and making informed decisions. Here are some common indicators to look out for:

  • Slurred speech: Difficulty speaking clearly or articulating words.
  • Lack of coordination: Unsteady movements, stumbling, or clumsiness.
  • Impaired judgment: Poor decision-making, risky behavior, or decreased inhibitions.
  • Altered behavior: Sudden mood swings, aggression, or overly emotional reactions.
  • Fluctuating attention and focus: Difficulty concentrating or maintaining attention on tasks or conversations.
  • Bloodshot or glassy eyes: Redness or a glazed appearance in the eyes.
  • Slow reaction time: Delayed responses to stimuli or reduced reflexes.
  • Impaired motor skills: Difficulty with fine motor tasks, such as writing or handling objects.
  • Nausea or vomiting: Feeling queasy or experiencing an urge to vomit.
  • Odor of alcohol: Detectable smell of alcohol on the breath or body.

Note that the presence of these signs may indicate varying levels of intoxication. If you or someone else is exhibiting signs of severe intoxication or experiencing alcohol poisoning symptoms (e.g., unconsciousness, difficulty breathing), immediate medical attention should be sought. Always prioritize safety and act responsibly when it comes to alcohol consumption.

What To Do If You Have a Soju Hangover

If you find yourself with a soju hangover, there are several steps you can take to alleviate the symptoms and recover more comfortably:

  • Hydrate: Start by rehydrating your body. Alcohol can cause dehydration, so drink plenty of water or electrolyte-rich fluids to replenish lost fluids.
  • Rest: Allow yourself adequate rest to recover. Get some sleep or take it easy to help your body recover from the effects of alcohol.
  • Eat light and nutritious meals: Consuming bland, easy-to-digest foods can help settle your stomach and provide essential nutrients. Opt for foods like toast, crackers, or soup.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol: Steer clear of caffeinated beverages and additional alcohol, as they can further dehydrate your body and prolong the hangover.
  • Pain relief: If you have a headache or body aches, consider over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Follow the recommended dosage and guidelines.
  • Replenish electrolytes: Soju can deplete essential electrolytes in your body. Consider drinking sports drinks or consuming foods rich in electrolytes, such as bananas or coconut water.
  • Fresh air and gentle exercise: If you feel up to it, a gentle walk outdoors can help refresh your body and provide some relief. However, avoid vigorous exercise as it may worsen symptoms.

Remember, prevention is key, so drink responsibly and pace yourself to avoid hangovers in the first place. If hangovers persist or cause severe discomfort, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for further guidance.

how much soju to get tipsy

Soju Consumption and Health Risks

While moderate consumption of soju is generally considered safe for most adults, excessive or prolonged consumption can pose health risks. Here are some potential health risks associated with soju consumption:

  1. Alcohol-related liver disease: Excessive and prolonged drinking of soju can lead to liver damage, including alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and fatty liver disease.
  2. Increased risk of cancer: Heavy alcohol consumption, including excessive soju intake, has been linked to an increased risk of various types of cancer, such as liver, esophageal, and breast cancer.
  3. Cardiovascular issues: Excessive alcohol consumption can contribute to high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythm, and an increased risk of heart disease.
  4. Impaired cognitive function: Chronic heavy drinking can negatively impact cognitive function, leading to memory problems, decreased attention span, and impaired decision-making abilities.
  5. Dependency and addiction: Frequent and heavy soju consumption can lead to alcohol dependency and addiction, which can have detrimental effects on overall well-being.
  6. Increased accident and injury risk: Intoxication from soju can impair coordination, judgment, and reaction time, increasing the likelihood of accidents, injuries, and risky behaviors.
  7. Interactions with medications: Soju consumption can interact negatively with certain medications, reducing their effectiveness or causing adverse effects. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional if you are taking any medications and considering consuming soju.

How to Drink Soju Responsibly

Drinking soju responsibly is important for maintaining your well-being and ensuring a positive drinking experience. Here are some guidelines for responsible soju consumption:

  1. Know your limits: Understand your tolerance and know how much soju you can handle without becoming excessively intoxicated. Pace yourself and avoid exceeding your personal limits.
  2. Moderation is key: Practice moderation by consuming soju in reasonable quantities. Avoid binge drinking and give your body time to metabolize the alcohol.
  3. Stay hydrated: Drink water or other non-alcoholic beverages alongside your soju to stay hydrated and help offset the dehydrating effects of alcohol. Alternate between soju and water throughout the drinking session.
  4. Eat before and during drinking: Consuming a balanced meal before drinking soju can help slow the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream. Snacking on food while drinking can also help reduce the rate of alcohol absorption.
  5. Avoid drinking on an empty stomach: Drinking soju on an empty stomach can lead to faster and stronger intoxication. Ensure you have eaten something before consuming soju.
  6. Drinking environment and company: Choose a safe and comfortable environment to drink soju. Surround yourself with responsible drinking companions who can help keep an eye on each other’s consumption and well-being.
  7. Plan transportation: If you are drinking soju away from home, plan your transportation in advance. Designate a sober driver, use public transportation, or arrange for a ride-sharing service to ensure a safe journey.
  8. Avoid mixing with other substances: Mixing soju with other alcoholic beverages or substances can increase the risks and intensify the effects of alcohol. Stick to drinking soju on its own.
  9. Respect personal choices: Understand that not everyone may wish to consume soju or drink alcohol in general. Respect others’ choices and never pressure anyone into drinking if they choose not to.
  10. Take breaks and listen to your body: Pay attention to how you feel while consuming soju. Take breaks between drinks and listen to your body’s signals. Stop drinking if you start feeling unwell or excessively intoxicated.
how many shots of soju to get drunk


Can 1 soju make you drunk?

The intoxication level from drinking 1 soju can vary depending on individual factors such as body weight, tolerance, and drinking speed. For some individuals, consuming 1 soju may lead to a mild level of intoxication, while others may experience minimal effects.

Does drinking soju hit harder than vodka?

Soju and vodka can have similar alcohol content, but the experience of how “hard” they hit can vary based on individual tolerance and personal sensitivity to different types of alcohol. The effects of drinking soju or vodka can be influenced by factors like the amount consumed and the speed of drinking.

Can 2 bottle of soju make you drunk?

Consuming 2 bottles of soju can lead to significant intoxication for most individuals. However, it’s important to remember that the level of intoxication can vary based on individual factors such as body weight, tolerance, and drinking speed. Drinking responsibly and knowing your limits is crucial.

Is Korean soju healthy?

Soju, like any alcoholic beverage, should be consumed in moderation. While soju is relatively low in calories compared to some other alcoholic drinks, excessive consumption can have negative health effects. It’s important to prioritize responsible drinking and consider the potential risks associated with alcohol consumption.

Does soju make you sleepy?

Soju is an alcoholic beverage, and alcohol can have sedative effects on the body. Consuming soju in moderate amounts may induce relaxation and drowsiness, potentially leading to sleepiness. However, excessive consumption can disrupt sleep patterns and quality.

Why is soju so cheap?

Soju production tends to be cost-effective due to the use of readily available ingredients and streamlined production processes. Additionally, economies of scale and the popularity of soju in South Korea contribute to its affordability. However, the price of soju can vary based on brand, quality, and location.

Can kids drink soju?

No, soju is an alcoholic beverage and is not suitable for consumption by children. Legal drinking age regulations vary by country, but it is generally illegal for minors to consume alcohol.

Can I drink straight the soju?

Yes, drinking soju straight is a common practice. Soju is often consumed neat, without mixing it with other beverages. However, it’s important to drink responsibly and be aware of your personal limits when consuming any alcoholic beverage.

Why is soju so tasty?

The taste of soju can vary depending on the brand and type. Soju is often described as having a clean, crisp, and smooth flavor profile. Different flavor variants of soju, such as fruit-infused or flavored varieties, contribute to its taste appeal.

Does soju make you turn red?

Some individuals may experience facial flushing or turning red after consuming alcohol, including soju. This reaction is known as alcohol flush reaction and is more common among individuals of East Asian descent due to genetic factors. It is a result of difficulty metabolizing alcohol and can be accompanied by other symptoms such as rapid heart rate and nausea.


Generally, unraveling the mystery of how much soju to get drunk has been an enlightening journey. Soju, with its rich history and cultural significance, has captivated people around the world. While the answer to this question may vary depending on various factors mentioned in the article. By understanding our own limits and practicing self-awareness, we can enjoy the unique flavors and social connections that soju offers, without compromising our well-being. Remember, the true essence of soju lies not in the quantity we consume, but in the moments shared and memories created with friends and loved ones. So, whether it’s a casual gathering or a celebratory occasion, let’s raise our glasses of soju with gratitude, respect, and the joy of companionship.