Is Tequila An Upper Or A Downer? The Truth About Tequila’s Effects On Your Body

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Have you ever heard someone say that is tequila an upper? I certainly have, and as someone who enjoys a good margarita every now and then, I’ve always been curious about whether or not there’s any truth to this claim. Like many people, I’ve experienced the unique buzz that comes from drinking tequila, and it’s certainly different from the effects of other types of alcohol. But is tequila really an upper? In this article, we’ll dive deep into the science behind tequila and its effects on the body to answer the burning question: is tequila an upper or just another alcohol that affects everyone differently?

What Is Tequila?

Tequila is a distilled alcoholic beverage that is primarily made from the blue agave plant, which is native to Mexico. It is typically produced in the state of Jalisco and in some other regions of Mexico, and is made by distilling the agave plant’s sugars. 

Tequila is known for its unique flavor and is often consumed in shots or used as a base for cocktails. It is also an important part of Mexican culture and is often associated with celebrations and traditions.

What Are Uppers and Downers?

Uppers and downers are two categories of psychoactive drugs that affect the central nervous system and can alter a person’s mood, behavior, and perception.


Uppers, also known as stimulants, are drugs that increase alertness, energy, and concentration. They work by increasing the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, which can lead to feelings of euphoria and increased heart rate. Examples of uppers include caffeine, amphetamines, and cocaine.


Downers, also known as depressants, are drugs that slow down the activity of the central nervous system and can produce feelings of relaxation and sedation. They work by increasing the levels of the neurotransmitter GABA in the brain, which can lead to a decrease in anxiety and muscle tension. Examples of downers include alcohol, benzodiazepines, and opioids.

Is Tequila an Upper or Downer? 

Do you know is tequila upper alcohol or downer? There is a common belief that tequila is an upper rather than a downer, which sets it apart from other alcoholic beverages. However, this claim is not entirely accurate, as tequila, like all alcoholic drinks, contains ethanol, which is a depressant. Therefore, the idea that tequila is an upper may be a myth.

is tequila an upper or downer

How Is Tequila an Upper?

While there is some debate around whether tequila is truly an “upper” or not, some possible reasons why is tequila an upper:

  1. Agave plant compounds: Tequila is made from the agave plant, which contains natural sugars and other compounds that some believe can have stimulatory effects on the body and mind.
  2. Lower congeners: Compared to other alcoholic beverages, tequila contains lower levels of certain congeners, which are chemical compounds produced during fermentation that can contribute to hangover symptoms and feelings of lethargy.
  3. Mood-enhancing properties: Some of the compounds found in tequila, such as its agavins and terpenes, may have mood-enhancing properties and could potentially help alleviate symptoms of anxiety or depression.
  4. Association with celebration: Tequila is often associated with festive occasions and celebrations, which could contribute to a more upbeat mood when consumed.

Which Tequila Is an Upper?

There is no specific type or brand of tequila that is definitively an upper. While tequila is sometimes thought of as an upper due to its unique properties, such as the natural sugars found in the agave plant, all tequila still contains alcohol, which is a depressant. Ultimately, the effects of tequila on an individual’s mood and energy levels will depend on a variety of factors, including the amount consumed, the individual’s tolerance and sensitivity to alcohol, and their overall health and well-being.

Why Is Tequila a Depressant?

Tequila is considered a depressant because it contains ethanol, a type of alcohol that affects the central nervous system by slowing down the activity of the brain and nervous system

When consumed, ethanol binds to receptors in the brain and can cause a decrease in anxiety, relaxation of muscles, and feelings of sedation. 

While tequila is often thought of as an upper due to its unique properties, such as the natural sugars found in the agave plant, these properties are not enough to counteract the depressant effects of the alcohol it contains. Therefore, tequila is ultimately classified as a depressant like all other alcoholic beverages.

why is tequila an upper

Is Tequila Good for You? 

While excessive consumption of tequila or any other alcoholic drink can have negative health consequences, drinking tequila in moderation may offer some health benefits. Here are some potential benefits of drinking tequila:

  1. Lowers blood sugar levels: Agavins, a type of sugar found in tequila, are non-digestible and do not raise blood sugar levels. In fact, they have been found to lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.
  2. Aids in digestion: Tequila is believed to stimulate digestion and may help regulate the digestive system. The agave plant contains inulin, a type of fiber that can promote healthy digestion and improve gut health.
  3. May promote weight loss: Tequila is low in calories and may aid in weight loss when consumed in moderation. The agave plant contains compounds that can help suppress appetite and promote feelings of fullness.
  4. Contains antioxidants: Tequila contains antioxidants such as flavonoids and saponins, which can help protect the body from oxidative stress and may have anti-inflammatory properties.
  5. May help relieve stress: While tequila is not a true “upper,” some people may experience a slight lift in their mood or energy levels after drinking tequila due to its unique flavor and the social setting in which it is often consumed. This may help relieve stress and promote relaxation.

However, these potential benefits are based on limited research and more studies are needed to confirm these findings. Additionally, the benefits of tequila can only be experienced when it is consumed in moderation, which is typically defined as one to two drinks per day for men and women, respectively.

How Tequila Affects the Brain

Tequila, like all alcoholic drinks, can have an impact on the brain and nervous system. Here are some ways that tequila affects the brain:

  1. Increases the release of dopamine: Tequila consumption can increase the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is associated with feelings of pleasure and reward. This is what can lead to the “feel-good” sensation that some people experience after drinking tequila.
  2. Slows down brain function: Tequila is a depressant that can slow down the activity of the central nervous system, leading to a decrease in cognitive function and reaction time. This is why it is important to avoid driving or operating heavy machinery after drinking tequila or any other alcoholic beverage.
  3. Interferes with neurotransmitters: Alcohol, including tequila, can interfere with the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain, such as GABA and glutamate. This can lead to a decrease in inhibitions, relaxation, and impaired memory function.
  4. Increases heart rate: Tequila can also increase heart rate and blood pressure, especially if consumed in large quantities. This can lead to an increased risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular problems.
how is tequila an upper

The Effects of Tequila on the Body

Tequila, like all alcoholic drinks, can have an impact on the body beyond just affecting the brain. Here are some ways that tequila can affect the body:

  1. Dehydration: Alcohol is a diuretic that can cause dehydration, which can lead to headaches, dry mouth, and other symptoms.
  2. Increased heart rate and blood pressure: Drinking tequila can increase heart rate and blood pressure, especially if consumed in large quantities. This can lead to an increased risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular problems.
  3. Stomach irritation: Tequila, like other alcoholic beverages, can irritate the lining of the stomach, leading to acid reflux, nausea, and other digestive issues.
  4. Liver damage: Heavy or chronic alcohol consumption, including tequila, can lead to liver damage and other liver problems such as cirrhosis.
  5. Impaired immune function: Drinking too much tequila or other alcoholic beverages can weaken the immune system and make a person more susceptible to infections and diseases.
  6. Increased risk of accidents and injuries: Alcohol, including tequila, can impair cognitive function and motor skills, increasing the risk of accidents, injuries, and other negative consequences.

Factors that Influence the Effects of Tequila

The effects of tequila can be influenced by a variety of factors, including:

  1. Alcohol content: The alcohol content of tequila can vary depending on the type and brand, with some varieties containing higher levels of alcohol than others. Higher alcohol content can lead to more pronounced effects on the body and brain.
  2. Serving size: The amount of tequila consumed can also influence its effects. Drinking more tequila can lead to greater intoxication and a higher risk of negative health consequences.
  3. Age and gender: Age and gender can influence how the body metabolizes alcohol, with women and older adults generally experiencing the effects of alcohol more quickly and intensely than men and younger adults.
  4. Food consumption: Consuming food while drinking tequila can slow down the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream, reducing the effects of alcohol on the body and brain.
  5. Drinking speed: The speed at which tequila is consumed can also impact its effects. Drinking tequila quickly can lead to more rapid intoxication and a higher risk of negative health consequences.
  6. Medications: Certain medications can interact with alcohol, including tequila, leading to increased side effects and negative health consequences.

Be aware of these factors and to consume tequila and other alcoholic beverages in moderation to minimize negative health consequences. It is also important to avoid driving or operating heavy machinery after drinking tequila or any other alcoholic beverage.

Tequila and Mood

Tequila can have an impact on mood due to its effects on the brain and the social setting in which it is often consumed. Here are some ways that tequila can impact mood:

  • Euphoria: Tequila consumption can lead to feelings of euphoria and pleasure due to the release of dopamine in the brain. This is what can lead to the “feel-good” sensation that some people experience after drinking tequila.
  • Relaxation: Tequila is a depressant that can slow down the activity of the central nervous system, leading to feelings of relaxation and reduced anxiety.
  • Social bonding: Tequila is often consumed in social settings, such as parties and celebrations, which can lead to increased social bonding and feelings of connectedness.
  • Stress relief: Some people may experience a slight lift in their mood or energy levels after drinking tequila due to its unique flavor and the social setting in which it is often consumed. This can help relieve stress and promote relaxation.

Tequila and Energy

Tequila may have some impact on energy levels due to its effects on the body and brain, although it is not a true “upper” or stimulant. Here are some ways that tequila may impact energy levels:

  • Low calorie: Tequila is low in calories and carbohydrates compared to other alcoholic beverages, which may help prevent the energy crash that can occur after consuming higher-calorie drinks.
  • Promotes relaxation: While tequila is not a true “upper,” it is a depressant that can help promote relaxation and reduce stress levels. This can lead to a more calm and focused energy.
  • Enhances socialization: Tequila is often consumed in social settings, which can help boost energy levels by promoting socialization and reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  • Potential for dehydration: Alcohol, including tequila, can cause dehydration, which can lead to feelings of fatigue and reduced energy levels.
tequila upper alcohol

Potential Risks of Drinking Tequila

While tequila can be enjoyed responsibly and in moderation, excessive or chronic consumption of tequila or any other alcoholic beverage can have negative health consequences. Here are some potential risks of drinking tequila:

  1. Alcohol poisoning: Drinking too much tequila in a short period of time can lead to alcohol poisoning, which can be life-threatening.
  2. Impaired judgment: Drinking tequila can impair judgment and cognitive function, increasing the risk of accidents, injuries, and other negative consequences.
  3. Addiction: Chronic or heavy consumption of tequila can lead to alcohol addiction, which can have a range of negative effects on physical and mental health.
  4. Liver damage: Excessive alcohol consumption, including tequila, can lead to liver damage and other liver problems such as cirrhosis.
  5. Other negative health effects: Drinking too much tequila or other alcoholic beverages can also lead to other negative health consequences, such as increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, digestive problems, and weakened immune function.

How Drunk is Tequila?

Tequila is an alcoholic beverage, and its level of intoxication depends on various factors such as the amount consumed, the person’s body weight, age, and gender, and the speed at which it is consumed. 

Drinking too much tequila can lead to significant levels of intoxication, impaired judgment, and negative health consequences. It is important to consume tequila and other alcoholic beverages responsibly and in moderation to avoid excessive levels of drunkenness.

which tequila is an upper

Moderation and Safe Consumption of Tequila

Drinking tequila in moderation and practicing safe consumption habits can help minimize the negative health consequences associated with excessive or chronic alcohol consumption. Here are some tips for safe and moderate tequila consumption:

  1. Know your limits: It is important to know how much alcohol you can consume safely without experiencing negative health consequences. The recommended amount of tequila consumption is one to two drinks per day for men and women, respectively.
  2. Avoid binge drinking: Binge drinking, or consuming a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time, can lead to alcohol poisoning, impaired judgment, and other negative health consequences. It is important to avoid binge drinking and to space out consumption over time.
  3. Stay hydrated: Drinking water or other non-alcoholic beverages between servings of tequila can help prevent dehydration and reduce the negative effects of alcohol on the body.
  4. Avoid driving or operating heavy machinery: Alcohol consumption can impair judgment and motor skills, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries. It is important to avoid driving or operating heavy machinery after consuming tequila or any other alcoholic beverage.
  5. Avoid mixing with other drugs: Mixing tequila with other drugs, including prescription medications and illegal substances, can have dangerous and unpredictable effects on the body and mind.

By consuming tequila and other alcoholic beverages in moderation and following safe consumption practices, it is possible to enjoy the social and cultural aspects of drinking without experiencing negative health consequences.

Tequila vs. Other Alcoholic Beverages

Here’s a table comparing some key characteristics of tequila and other popular alcoholic beverages:

Distilled or fermentedDistilledFermentedFermentedDistilled
Made fromAgave plantGrains, hopsGrapesGrains, potatoes, corn
Alcohol contentTypically 40% ABV3-10% ABV8-14% ABVTypically 40% ABV
Calorie content96 calories per 1.5 oz serving150-200 calories per 12 oz serving125-150 calories per 5 oz serving96 calories per 1.5 oz serving
Carbohydrate contentNo carbohydrates10-20 grams per 12 oz serving5-10 grams per 5 oz servingNo carbohydrates
Flavor profileEarthy, spicy, smokyBitter, hoppy, maltyFruity, floral, earthyNeutral
Serving temperatureRoom temperature or chilledColdRoom temperature or slightly chilledChilled
Drinking occasionsShots, cocktails, sippingSocial gatherings, sports eventsDinners, celebrationsShots, cocktails, sipping
Cultural significanceMexican culture, celebrations, holidaysWorldwide, various cultural significanceEuropean culture, special occasions, religious significanceRussian culture, social events
Health benefits (when consumed in moderation)Lowers blood sugar levels, aids digestion, contains antioxidantsContains B vitamins and mineralsContains antioxidants, may lower risk of heart diseaseNone in particular


Is tequila gluten-free?

Yes, tequila is gluten-free, as it is made from the agave plant, which does not contain gluten. However, some flavored or infused tequilas may contain added ingredients that contain gluten, so it is important to check the label or ask the manufacturer if you have celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

Can tequila make you hallucinate?

No, tequila does not contain hallucinogenic properties and is not known to cause hallucinations. However, excessive or chronic consumption of tequila or any other alcoholic beverage can impair cognitive function and judgment, leading to impaired perceptions and altered states of consciousness.

How long does tequila stay in your system?

Tequila, like other alcoholic beverages, is metabolized and eliminated from the body over time. The amount of time it takes for tequila to leave the system depends on various factors, such as the person’s weight, age, gender, and metabolism, as well as the amount and frequency of tequila consumption. On average, it takes the body about one to two hours to metabolize one standard drink of tequila.

Can tequila help you lose weight?

While tequila is low in calories and carbohydrates compared to other alcoholic beverages, it is not a weight loss aid and should not be used as a substitute for a healthy diet and regular exercise. Drinking tequila or any other alcoholic beverage in moderation can be part of a healthy lifestyle, but excessive or chronic consumption can lead to weight gain and other negative health consequences.

Does tequila hit harder than vodka?

The intensity of the effects of tequila and vodka depends on various factors, such as the amount consumed, the person’s weight, age, and gender, and the speed at which it is consumed. Both tequila and vodka can lead to significant levels of intoxication and negative health consequences when consumed excessively or irresponsibly.

Is 6 shots of tequila a lot?

Consuming six shots of tequila in a short period of time can lead to significant levels of intoxication and negative health consequences, such as impaired judgment, cognitive function, and motor skills, and increased risk of accidents and injuries. 

Why does tequila not make me drunk?

Some people may have a higher tolerance to alcohol and may not feel as drunk after consuming tequila or other alcoholic beverages. However, even if a person does not feel as drunk, their cognitive function and judgment may still be impaired, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries.

Are tequila hangovers bad?

Hangovers can occur after excessive or chronic consumption of tequila or any other alcoholic beverage, leading to symptoms such as headache, nausea, dehydration, and fatigue.

Is tequila worse for you than beer?

Both tequila and beer can lead to negative health consequences when consumed excessively or irresponsibly, such as liver damage, addiction, impaired judgment, and increased risk of accidents and injuries. However, tequila is lower in calories and carbohydrates than beer.


Is tequila an upper? After researching and exploring the topic in depth, it’s clear that the answer isn’t black and white. While tequila does have some stimulating properties, such as increasing energy and enhancing mood, it’s not a true “upper” like other substances. That being said, I’ve personally experienced the positive effects of tequila on my mood and energy levels, but I’m also aware of the potential risks of drinking too much. As with any alcoholic beverage, moderation is key. So, whether you enjoy tequila for its cultural significance or its taste, be sure to drink responsibly and savor every sip.